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作者(年代):Janine Barden-O 'Fallon, Jennifer Mason, Emmanuel Tluway, Gideon Kwesigabo, Egidius Kamanyi


关于注射避孕和艾滋病毒风险的咨询:对坦桑尼亚试点干预措施的评价 文摘:

在艾滋病毒流行率高的背景下,对使用激素避孕药具和感染艾滋病毒的风险可能增加的关切导致人们更加注意咨询信息,特别是对注射避孕药使用者的咨询信息。然而,在计划生育咨询会议中增加额外的艾滋病毒风险信息的后果并没有得到很好的理解。该评估评估了在为期三个月的试点干预期间提供修订的注射和艾滋病毒风险咨询信息对避孕知识和行为的影响。试点干预措施于2018年9月至11月在位于坦桑尼亚伊林加和恩琼贝地区的10个医疗机构中对所有符合条件的计划生育客户进行。评估的数据收集于2018年11月至12月进行,包括471名客户退出访谈,26名医疗保健提供者访谈,以及提取干预前12个月和干预后3个月的服务统计数据。采用单变量和双变量分析评估定量访谈数据。专题定性评估用于评估来自医疗保健提供者的定性访谈数据。中断时间序列分析用于评估避孕药摄取趋势的变化。结果表明,咨询信息并没有导致注射药物(Depo-Provera)的摄入减少:97%的受访客户在他们的访问中接受了Depo-Provera;60%的人表示,他们打算使用避孕套来提供双重保护。 The analysis of service statistics showed no statistical difference in the trend of Depo-Provera uptake between the pre-intervention and intervention periods (p = 0.116). Overall knowledge of counseling messages by clients was good; however only 64.8% of women correctly responded that women at risk of getting HIV can use any method of family planning. Providers’ knowledge of the messages was high, though it appears that not all messages were consistently provided during the counseling sessions. The findings from this evaluation provide evidence that complex HIV counseling messages can be implemented in family planning programs in Tanzania, and potentially in other countries that are considering how to better integrate HIV risk messages into family planning counseling.

了下: 避孕 坦桑尼亚 评价 计划生育 艾滋病毒